
After a long period of opening and closing due to the corona pandemic, we were able to move forward at full speed again from the end of January.

Get surprised

Only in January 2022 was the museum closed for a while due to the pandemic. Then the doors opened and stayed wide open. With various presentations, pop-up activities, collaborations, surprising activations and school programs, the museum allowed a broad target group to continue to look at everyday subjects in a special way.

Local tradition becomes contemporary art

Two days, 60 volunteers, all colleagues, artist Benjamin Li, 240,000 petals and as many pins: in mid-April 2022, the LAM created the first museum flower mosaic ever. Together with Benjamin Li, we translated a contemporary work of art into a traditional mosaic with regional petals.

'It's fantastic that we can link our food art collection to this beautiful craft tradition through the BloemenMosaic event.'

Guda Koster en Frans van Tartwijk LAM (94)
Art on your path

The LAM museum was extra open on Whit Monday, June 6. Fully. The Cool Types by artists Guda Koster & Frans van Tartwijk walked in and around the museum. Throughout the estate you saw surreal figures on your path, figures that you wanted to look at and for which you stood still for a moment.

The sculptures by Guda Koster and Frans van Tartwijk are full of playful shapes and humor. An ordinary human figure, with a special and curious appearance.

Guda Koster en Frans van Tartwijk LAM (94)
220326 Dirkdag LAM museum maart 2022 foto Robert Joore (4)
DIRK days

In March and November 2022, the museum opened its doors especially for the employees of the Dirk supermarket and their families. We stimulated a broad target group to pay close attention to everyday things such as food, drinks and shopping.

Paying special attention to every day life.

220326 Dirkdag LAM museum maart 2022 foto Robert Joore (4)
LAM_CZF7705_Corine Zijerveld Fotografie(c)2022
An art fair and award in Amsterdam

In 2022, the LAM museum was again the main sponsor of This Art Fair, a vibrant art fair where artists sell their work themselves. Starting artists are financially supported by the LAM museum with their stand costs. The This Works development program is made possible by the museum. During the fair, the LAM presented the Art Entrepreneur Award, an artist's prize that is not about the art, but about the entrepreneurial qualities of the maker. After the public had voted in advance for their favorite This artist, a mystery jury visited the 5 artists with the most votes. The jury consisted of artist Koos Buster, entrepreneur Ali Ahmed and LAM Viewing Coach Wies van Beek. Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries (1983) was crowned the winner. He won a cash prize of 2,500 euros and will receive a special place at the next edition of This Art Fair. Prior to the fair, the LAM museum organized a workshop for involved artists and Viewing Coaches from the LAM museum. Through techniques from the debate, participants learned to better understand the points of view of others and to respond to them.

The LAM museum in Amsterdam.

LAM_CZF7705_Corine Zijerveld Fotografie(c)2022
220906 Snackgeluk bij het LAM museum Corine Zijerveld (80)
Snack happiness in the museum garden

At the beginning of September 2022, 5 irresistible XXL French fries trays from the Tryater theater company stood around the LAM museum. The fries were left out so that visitors could lie in them. In each of the 5 French fries trays you heard how ordinary people look for happiness through snacks, shopping and other experiences.

Like a French frie in a box, listening to the quilty pleasures of others.

220906 Snackgeluk bij het LAM museum Corine Zijerveld (80)
220925 Levend stilleven LAM Studio Maky Corine Zijerveld (29)
Living still life

After the successful XXL fries, the LAM museum treated walkers and visitors to living still lifes at the end of September 2022. From you. Friends and families put on the food suits from the Rotterdam studio Maky and had their pictures taken as a living still life. They immediately took the portrait home.

A still life of you and your family - a photo to frame!

220925 Levend stilleven LAM Studio Maky Corine Zijerveld (29)
Proef een kunstwerk in het LAM museum - Bibi Veth
Taste a work of art

During the autumn holidays of 2022, visitors viewed and tasted works of art. With Taste a Work of Art, the museum added its own developed flavors to the works of art. Visitors experienced that you never look objectively. What you smell, feel, who you are with and what you taste influences what you notice.

What does taste do to your eyes?

Proef een kunstwerk in het LAM museum - Bibi Veth
Junior Viewing Coach Day

In November 2022, 15 children took over the LAM museum. Junior Viewing Coaches aged between 8 and 12 years old received training behind the scenes and then guided visitors in the museum.

We want children to experience that their way of looking at things and their opinions matter.

Feest aan tafel in het LAM (125)
Feast at the table, feast in the museum

In the run-up to and during the Christmas holidays, there was a party at the table in the LAM museum. Visitors set their own festive table in the drawn 'living room' of the museum, full of details from the works of art. Many families, couples and other visitors set their perfect festive table and had their pictures taken. The dishes, drinks and other 'props' referred to the project with artist Bart Eysink Smeets, which took place simultaneously in the museum. The museum made a placemat to take home with the drawn table that could be covered and personalized by cutting and pasting.

How do you celebrate at the table?

Feest aan tafel in het LAM (125)
Bart Eysink Smeets in het LAM (232)
Artist at work at the LAM museum

During Feast at the Table, artist Bart Eysink Smeets went back in time with visitors. Their most memorable Christmas dinner was reconstructed and converted into a work of art.

Festive memories become personal work of art

Bart Eysink Smeets in het LAM (232)
Dirk_Hardy-Vivarium-Episode 9-Free_Delivery-2022 Collectie LAM museum
Acquisitions 2022

In 2022, the international collection of the LAM museum was enriched with 16 acquisitions, including works of art by Chris Soal, Folkert de Jong and Dirk Hardy.

New works of art for the collection

Dirk_Hardy-Vivarium-Episode 9-Free_Delivery-2022 Collectie LAM museum
Feest aan tafel in het LAM (294)
Strengthening the team

In addition to 7 new Viewing Coaches, the LAM office team was strengthened in 2022 with a new colleague for Development & Activation.

New colleagues

Feest aan tafel in het LAM (294)
20190717-120825-_52A0952- BibiVeth

1525 students discovered the LAM in 2022. During the exclusive school programs, students were trained to become LAM trainees and LAM experts. With the LAM expert card, students receive free access to the museum for life. In 2022, our Viewing Coaches also visited schools. With the Viewing Coach in the classroom program, the museum allows students to take an extra special look at ordinary things. Children experience that the special perspective they know from the museum can also be applied outside the museum. 675 students experienced Viewing Coach in the classroom.

Students become viewing experts

20190717-120825-_52A0952- BibiVeth

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Giving you all the time and attention you deserve
Choose your day and start time in advance. Then simply turn up at the time of arrival on your ticket, and we’ll give you all the time and attention you deserve.


What’s there

to see?

The LAM museum’s collection includes 3D images, art installations, paintings, sound art and digital art. That sounds like a lot (it is!). But there’s method in the madness: each work focuses on food, drink or shopping. Did we mention the LAM museum has the world’s largest collection of food art?

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Evelyn Taocheng Wang
Chen Hangfeng
Benjamin Li
Sarah van Sonsbeeck
Susan Philipsz
Daniel Spoerri

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What happens when you add flavour to your art viewing experience?

July August

Hear art like never before

January February December
2024 2025

Who Am I?

April May June


2024 2025 2026

Tips from our Viewing Coaches

Get tailor-made tips


Snack happiness at the estate

In September 2022, irresistible XXL French fries trays from theater company Tryater stood around the LAM museum. The fries were left out so you could relax in them.



What can you


The LAM museum adds spice and sparkle to every visit. Ready for a brain-teasing picture hunt or a fun game? Can you get a full house on your own personal bingo card? Or maybe you want to tingle your tastebuds? Our surprise activities are designed to change not only your perspective on the art you see but also on the life you live.
Viewing Coaches

Who will you


The LAM museum’s Viewing Coaches bring every work of art to life and make every visitor’s experience special.

They give you tips. They help you change your perspective. And they are ready to listen if you want to talk about what you’ve discovered or how the art has inspired or impacted you.
Viewing Coaches

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The LAM museum building itself

is arguably part of the collection

Some visitors say it’s the best work of art at the LAM museum. Designed by Arie Korbee, the raised museum looks right at home in the canopy.

A simply special

museum experience

We can talk the talk. But the only words that matter are yours. Here’s what you have to say about us.
Claudia Peters
11:47 30 Oct 23
Zo leuk. Mooi gebouw onder architectuur, gevarieerd aanbod, lekker fleurig. Ik blijf mij positief verrassen. Ga hier vaker heen. Aansluitend met een wandeling door het bos.
Peter Dijt
17:57 29 Oct 23
Goed museum van 'Dirk' over.... (ik zal het niet verklappen) past ook niet in de stijl van het museum. Geen infobordjes aan de muren, maar met de aardige kijkcoaches kom je een eind. Start met de lift omhoog naar de derde etage en loop rustig terug. Prima.Er is geen horeca. Maar vlakbij is er het cafetaria van kasteel Keukenhof.
Arthur van den Boorn
08:32 29 Oct 23
Erg leuk museum met verrassende kunst in een leuke omgeving. Top voor kids
Pennie Arbouw-Heimans
06:55 29 Oct 23
Wat een verrassing! En zulke fijne gezellige hosts waar je een heerlijk gesprek over kunst mee kan aangaan en die echt geïnteresseerd in je zijn en tijd voor je hebben! Aanrader, we gaan zeker weer n keer mini vakantie-een (ook voor t gebouw en de omgeving: dikke aanrader).
Corrie Loogman
14:17 23 Oct 23
Prachtig modern gebouw met veel licht. Een heldere uitleg bij binnenkomst over de collectie en de unieke wijze waarop bezoekers antwoord kunnen krijgen op vragen.Op de verschillende verdiepingen waren kijkcoaches die enthousiast en kundig uitleg gaven.Een aanrader.
naomi plaat
21:04 28 Sep 23
Veelzijdig, verrassend en gewoon leuk - voor iedereen!Prachtig museum, vriendelijk ontvangst, prettige sfeer, en veelzijdige collectie.Interactie met de kijkcoaches is een unieke toegevoegde waarde. Toegang is spotgoedkoop dus hebben wij extra sponsor bedrag gegeven.Mooi park met ook een kasteel, bloementuin en weiland, beelden en restaurant de hofboerderij.Heerlijke middag gehad in Lisse.Makkelijk en gratis parkeren. Schone toiletten. Kluisjes. Vooraf tijdslot reserveren is wel handig.
Jelle Westra
15:06 27 Sep 23
Geweldig leuk museum! Geen hoogdraverij, maar aansprekende eigentijdse kunstwerken die je verrassen en intrigeren. Prima app om meer te weten te komen over de kunstwerken. Maar nog leuker is het om in gesprek te raken met de verschillende enthousiaste medewerkers die overal rondlopen. Als je de tijd hebt kun je hier makkelijk 1 a 2 uur rondbrengen. Het is een prachtig gebouw in een mooie groene setting waar je leuk kunt wandelen.
Neeltje van der Wouden
13:17 18 Sep 23
Het LAMmuseum is een verborgen parel! Wat een prachtige collectie in een licht modern gebouw op een geweldig mooi landgoed. Een warm welkom bij binnenkomst en je word in iedere zaal vriendelijk en op verfrissende wijze te woord gestaan door de Kijkcoaches. Hier gaat het om anders en écht kijken. Wat doet de kunst met mij? Dat levert interessante en inspirerende gesprekken op! Een aanrader voor jong en oud!
Richard Wering
06:54 22 Jul 23
Het is een fantastisch museum. De medewerkers doen hun best om met jou de kunst te beleven. We hadden inspirerende gesprekken over kunst. Je voelt je welkom.De kunst is van hoge kwaliteit, zeer goede kunstwerken soms van belangrijke kunstenaars. De keuze van het werk heeft als thema voedsel of de consumptiemaatschappij. Het is toegankelijke kunst, die je toch aan het denken zet. Anders doen de medewerkers of de interactieve app het wel.Niet twijfelen gewoon gaan ervaren.
Claudia Peters
11:47 30 Oct 23
So funny. Beautiful architectural building, varied offering, nice and colorful. I continue to be positively surprised. Go here more often. Followed by a walk through the forest.
Pennie Arbouw-Heimans
06:55 29 Oct 23
What a surprise! And such wonderful, friendly hosts with whom you can have a wonderful conversation about art and who are really interested in you and have time for you! Recommended, we will definitely go for a mini holiday again (also for the building and the surrounding area: highly recommended).
Willem Janssen
17:02 28 Sep 23
LAM is a beautiful museum with a wonderful, modern art collection around the theme of food. The approach of the "spectator coaches" is great, you learn a lot more than usual, and you have to ask the right questions. The visit to LAM takes a good hour and if you add the sculpture garden two hours. We came with a group of 22 and we were split into three groups (maximum of 10 people can enter at a time). Everyone enjoyed it and the rest of the day we kept on talking about what we had seen.
Liz Nixon
11:50 15 Aug 23
Great museum, very friendly and helpful staff. The current expo themed around food showing all sorts of weird and wonderful items, and being able to sample some of the icecream afterwards was a treat.Set in the beautiful location of Keukenhof Castle, you can go for a walk around the gardens while you are there. I will definitely visit again.
Madzia Koseńczuk
06:32 20 Jun 23
Very unique museum ? based on consumerism. Each artwork is amazing and worth thinking of ?
Maarten de Groot
20:07 08 Apr 23
Awesome museum! It starts with the beautifully architecture of the building, but then the central theme of food & consumption, the very visually appealing art and the whole concept of "just walk around and have a chat with us, or we with you" instead of endless signs turns this into an experience that myself and my 4 year old son absolutely loved!
marceline suijs
17:07 09 Jan 23
Very interesting art. A mixed collection with something to everybody’s liking. I love the way there are no signs and you have to connect with the museum staff if you want to know more about the art. Like with the artwork, you connect easier with some than others, so also on a social level very interesting. A place for everybody!

Find your soulmate

at the LAM museum

They say everyone has a soulmate, someone with whom you have a deep connection. We think art also has the power to connect. Our connections not only run deep but also taste great.


Special news

We live and breathe curiosity. That means we’re always first in line at the newsstand. Check out our mind-opening articles!

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The LAM museum is turning up the volume on art
Lift technician mistakes LAM museum artwork for rubbish and disposes of it
Celebration sounds at the table
On this Monday we're celebrating your visit like never before!
Our neighbors at Keukenhof are celebrating their 75th anniversary
How does the LAM museum relate to these top talents from the Royal Concertgebouw?